Posts tagged as JavaScript


Cover for post From Gatsby.js to Astro

From Gatsby.js to Astro

How I migrated my website from Gatsby.js to Astro. What I liked about Astro and some problems I encountered during the migration.

Cover for post Using Notion as a CMS for Gatsby.js

Using Notion as a CMS for Gatsby.js

How I use Notion as a CMS for my website built with Gatsby.js. The script can also be used with different static site generator like Astro and Next.js

Cover for post Improving Core Web Vitals of a React Application

Improving Core Web Vitals of a React Application

A case study of changes implemented to improve the performances of a React application.

Cover for post How to publish an npm package for ESM and CommonJS with TypeScript

How to publish an npm package for ESM and CommonJS with TypeScript

A step by step tutorial on how to publish an npm package for ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS (CJS) with TypeScript

Cover for post Turborepo: a Monorepo Revolution

Turborepo: a Monorepo Revolution

My thoughts about Turborepo, a tool that facilitates your monorepo management.

Cover for post Vue.js Performance Improvement with Memoization

Vue.js Performance Improvement with Memoization

How I reduced the rendering of a complex component by 10 (from ~4s to ~0.3s).

Cover for post Vue.js Testing Made it Easy (with Testing Library)

Vue.js Testing Made it Easy (with Testing Library)

How Testing Library helps you to write better integration test

Cover for post How to mock Axios HTTP calls with Jest

How to mock Axios HTTP calls with Jest

How to unit test components that have HTTP calls.

Cover for post async/await without try...catch!

async/await without try...catch!

A cool wrapper to write promises without using a try...catch block

Cover for post Why you shouldn't pay too much attention to your code coverage

Why you shouldn't pay too much attention to your code coverage

High code coverage doesn't guarantee quality: You can write tests that cover every line but miss edge cases or core functionality.

Cover for post How to generate social share images with Gatsby

How to generate social share images with Gatsby

How I created dynamic Open Graph images for my Gatsby website

Cover for post How to mock Date with Jest

How to mock Date with Jest

A guide on how to deal with unit tests that uses the JavaScript Date object.

Cover for post 3 Tips for Scaling Large Vue.js Application

3 Tips for Scaling Large Vue.js Application

1. Split your application into completely isolated modules. 2. Consider micro-frontends architecture. 3. Don't put everything in the Vuex Store

Cover for post Hello GatsbyJS!

Hello GatsbyJS!

Cover for post Typical JavaScript interview exercises (explained)

Typical JavaScript interview exercises (explained)

Level up your JavaScript interview skills! This post tackles common exercises, offering clear explanations to help you ace the coding challenge.

Cover for post Immutability in JavaScript (without library)

Immutability in JavaScript (without library)

A deep dive into JS immutability, guiding you on how to achieve it without relying on external libraries.

Cover for post Chaining Javascript filters recursively

Chaining Javascript filters recursively

Cover for post No more for/while loop in JavaScript

No more for/while loop in JavaScript

Some alternatives to traditional for/while loops in JavaScript. Also how to address set theory with array of objects (union, intersection and difference).