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Apps, Tools, and Gear I Use

This page is somewhat inspired by Wes Bos’ Uses page. Keep in mind that I’m mostly doing Frontend development and I’m also a nomadic worker. In other words, I’m 100% remote and I travel often.


laptop picture

Also: a Xiaomi monitor light bar, and a Logitech C920s webcam.

Nomadic setup


my ide

All of my config files (VS Code settings, bash aliases, git config…) are accessible on my dotfiles GitHub repository.


My main browser is Brave. I also use the following extensions:

Terminal & Command Line Apps

I mostly use my terminal in VSCode. Otherwise, I use iTerm. My terminal theme is powerlevel10k.

terminal screenshot

This is the list of plugins/apps I use:

  • Zsh with Oh My Zsh. Oh My Zsh is a framework for managing zsh configuration.
  • Lighthouse (CLI) - Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps.
  • Hub - a wrapper for Git command (Git+Hub=GitHub).
  • gtop - an alternative to activity monitor.
  • Tree - to generate a tree (like the Tree Windows command).
  • Bat - the cat command on steroids.
  • n - a super handy tool for node version management.

I also use Vim from time to time.

vim screenshot

Desktop Apps

I have a very minimalistic approach when it comes to my dock. If I don’t use an app -at least- once a day, I remove it from the dock.

dock screenshot

I also use these applications:

  • Giphy Capture is my go-to screen recording app when I need to share something with my colleagues. I found it simple to use.
  • CrossOver - to run Windows App on Mac (it’s a paid product).

Note: I now use Slack in my browser (so Grammarly can proofread my messages)


This site is made with Gatsby.js. I use these services:


  • I play mostly Age Of Empire 2 DE on my MacBook (thanks CrossOver)
  • For other games, I rely on xCloud (Xbox’s cloud gaming platform)
  • Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 is my controller.