Hello! I'm Maxence.
I am a French Software Engineer, a technical speaker and a nomadic worker. My expertise lies primarily in the development of web applications with more than 10 years of experience.
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Architecture and technical decision behind a big Vue.js application.
I've been maintaining a massive Vue.js codebase for the last 3 years. Here are 9 lessons I've learned along the way.
How Testing Library helps you to write better integration test
A Git Cheat Sheet that focuses on Essential Commands for Experienced Developers.
Understanding the Git Folder Structure and how git works under the hood.
1. Split your application into completely isolated modules. 2. Consider micro-frontends architecture. 3. Don't put everything in the Vuex Store
Recently Published
10 Years of Blogging, what I learned
Reflects on my experience and sharing some key lessons learned after 10y of blogging. Including the importance of writing a good title, not worrying about post popularity...
How to integrate Giscus to your Astro Blog
Learn how to integrate Giscus (GitHub-powered comments), into your Astro blog. How to deal with dark mode and styles customization.
A Look Inside My Personalized .gitconfig
Boost your Git efficiency! A simple config for a smoother workflow.
From Gatsby.js to Astro
How I migrated my website from Gatsby.js to Astro. What I liked about Astro and some problems I encountered during the migration.
Using Notion as a CMS for Gatsby.js
How I use Notion as a CMS for my website built with Gatsby.js. The script can also be used with different static site generator like Astro and Next.js