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From Gatsby.js to Astro

I’ve been (inconsistently) blogging for ~10 years. It all started with a PHP/MySQL stack when I was a student. Then I quickly move away from it to use Jekyll, a static site generator written in Ruby.

Around 5 years ago, I decided to move from Jekyll to Gatsby.js. At that time I wasn’t 100% happy with the existing starters, so I decided to create one and build my blog on top of it. gatsby-starter-morning-dew was born. It slowly became one of my most stared open source projects on GitHub.

My problems with Gatsby.js

Recently my motivation to write articles has faded. Every time I start my website locally, writing posts. I came with the same problems:

  • GraphQL. It’s cool, it’s fun… but let’s be honest: it’s overkill for a simple blog.
  • Speed: generating all the HTML can be slow. Even locally. At work, I’ve installed vite.js and my project starts in less than a second. When your side project
  • Release cycle: they release very often. Over the last few years, I spent more time updating my packages than writing content. (yeah I know, I only wrote 3 posts last year…)
  • Dependency management: I got some OCD when it comes to npm packages and, with Gatsby, everything has a package. I ended up with 35 packages… to convert Markdown into HTML.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want you to think that Gatsby is washed up. I still consider it a great tool but, you know I’m just a kid that sometimes needs a new toy to play with.

👋 Hello Astro!

I was first thinking about going with Next.js. But, last year when I checked it it wasn’t for me. And then I saw a post from Loige on Twitter saying that he was moving his blog to Astro. I was also trying to find something to do for my 3-hour trip train the next day.

I decided to give Astro a go and started with this official starter:

Terminal window
npm create astro@latest -- --template blog

I also took some time to read about the concept of Islands. This is essential to understand how your Astro app works and why it makes it load fast.

First impression

It uses TypeScript and… Vite.js 😍

I moved one post to the “content” folder. 10 minutes later, after changing some parameter names, I was able to see my post in the default template! Another good news: they use Zod for type checking.

Astro URLs are quite straightforward. If you have an Astro component in src/pages/about.astro, it will be available in . You can also pass some variables in your file name to match multiple scenarios (i.e. src/pages/blog/[slug].astro).

If you’ve worked with React and JSX before, the .astro format will look familiar.

import { getCollection } from 'astro:content'
import { SITE_AUTHOR } from '../../consts'
import FormattedDate from '../../components/FormattedDate.astro'
const posts = await getCollection('blog')
<h1>My blog</h1>
{ => (
<a href={`/blog/${post.slug}/`}>
<img width={720} height={360} src={} />
<span>Written by {SITE_AUTHOR}</span>
<FormattedDate date={} />

I highly recommend you use an IDE plugin to get a proper syntax colour and a better TypeScript support.


At the end of my 3h trip, I had:

  • +90% of my blog posts and pages migrated;
  • All MDX components migrated (with some TailwindCSS).

Overall, the transition felt very smooth. The developer experience feels great and the Astro documentation is overall well written.

I left the train very happy about my work. This POC was a success and I decided to continue the migration 🥳

The Migration

When the POC was a success, I made a plain old to-do list.

  • Blog posts & pages. Surprisingly my ~60 posts and pages weren’t that complicated to migrate.
  • Dark mode. My previous dark mode implementation was based a copy-pasted from Josh Comeau’s post. Now it’s handled with Tailwind. And the toggle button state is handled with preact. A cool thing with Astro is they allow you to work with the framework of your choice.
  • Pagination. This part gave me some headaches. I’m glad I could steal the pagination code Loige’s wrote!
  • i18n posts: this blog started in French and now it’s mostly in English. I no longer have react-helmet (a library to write in the HTML head element). I had to create a Layout component and pass the data with “prop drilling”.
  • SEO: by default, the blog starter is SEO-friendly (canonical URLs, OG data, sitemap support).
  • CV. I decided to make my resume available online and printable (with some CSS shenanigans). Switching to Tailwind was very time-consuming.
  • Webmentions: My previous website used to have webmentions. Since my activities on social platforms are quite low, I put this on the “nice to have / later” section of my to-do list.
  • The astro toolbar. this is an out-of-the-box tool which audits your page and gives you some accessibility or performance improvement tips. I’ve found it very handy! Astro toolbar gives places where i18n could be improved

To be honest, the biggest work was transitioning from styled-components to Tailwindcss.

Some pain points

It looks like JSX, but it’s not!

It’s impossible to pass objects (therefore functions) to the HTML part. To do so you have to use the plain old getElementById.

function handleClick() {
console.log('button clicked!')
<!-- ❌ This doesn't work! ❌ -->
<button onClick="{handleClick}">Click me!</button>
<button id="myBtn">Click Me</button>
function handleClick() {
console.log('button clicked!')
document.getElementById('myBtn').addEventListener('click', handleClick)

Also, when you have a loop (i.e. .map()), there’s no need to add a key attribute… because it’s not JSX ;)

Default code syntax plugin

In my posts, I like to highlight some lines of code like this:

code syntax with highlighted lines

Unfortunately the default plugins available can’t do that. I had to use an external package (expressive-code) for that.


Because of Astro’s structure, when you want to have and You have to write 2 components. One for the page 1 and one for the pages ≥2.

Terminal window
├── blog
├── [slug].astro # Post wrapper component
├── index.astro # List wrapper component (for page n°1)
└── pages
└── [page].astro # List wrapper component (for pages > 1)


Prose is the Tailwind element used to style something you cannot control. Here the uncontrolled element is the Markdown content. For an unknown reason, I have a love-hate relationship with it. On the one hand, it’s super cool to have this helper… but, it can also be tedious to work with. Mostly when you combine element state (like hover:) with app state (like dark:). In some cases, I had to use a specific order to chain them.

1 component per file

I was previously working with styled-components. This lib is fantastic when you want to create multiple small components in 1 file.

export const Text = styled.p`
line-height: 1.6;
margin: 1em 0 0 0;
export const Bull = styled.span`
display: inline-block;
color: var(--color-textSecondary);
margin: 0 4px;
&::before {
content: '•';

In Astro, it’s 1 file per component. And since I wanted to use Tailwind, I had to use their nasty hack which I don’t like.

…And that’s it! Seriously, I thought it would be harder!

In the end, my pull request looked like this:

The pull request with 25000 line of code deleted

Final thoughts

I’m happy with the v3 of my website. I no longer have code that I don’t understand. Also, Astro is a tool very fun to play with: it’s fast, the learning curve is smooth and it’s easy to use.

Show me the code!

There you go:

About the author

Maxence Poutord

Hey, I'm Maxence Poutord, a passionate software engineer. In my day-to-day job, I'm working as a senior front-end engineer at Orderfox. When I'm not working, you can find me travelling the world or cooking.

Follow @_maxpou

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